Planning & Land Use


Planning & Land Use serves Green Mountain Falls by providing technical guidance on all aspects of zoning, building, development, and preservation. Through public outreach events and monthly advisory board meetings, the community proactively determines how land will be developed or conserved.

Town Hall staff is available to help applicants with the land use approval process and advocates development that protects the public health and safety while safeguarding the natural environment. This is done by enforcing the laws codified in GMF Zoning & Land Use Code Section 16 - Zoning, Section 17 - Subdivisions, and Section 18 - Building Regulations.

The Green Mountain Falls Planning Commission is a five-member advisory body appointed by the Board of Trustees. Meeting agendas, minutes, and Zoom video recordings of each meeting are available.

Baseline Engineering & Planning has been contracted for Town Planning Services & their contact info is: 

Julie Esterl (Principal Planner Baseline Corp.)

Email Julie Esterl (julie.esterl@baselinecorp.com)

Phone: 303-202-5010 ext.222




Land Use Applications


Land Use Approval Process
Land Use Approval Process
Most construction or development projects require approval from Green Mountain Falls Staff, Planning Commission, or Board of Trustees. The 2021 Land Use Approval applications were created to help applicants submit a complete application. 
Refer to the application checklists and FAQs, below, for detailed information. 
Frequently Asked Questions

Do I need a permit from GMF?


Most construction, exterior improvement, or site alteration requires approval from Green Mountain Falls. Under current code, Planning Commission reviews all proposed projects for compliance with the architectural standards and zoning requirements in Green Mountain Falls Zoning Ordinance §16 - Zoning and §17- Subdivision and §18 - Building Regulations.

Green Mountain Falls Municipal Code is available online from MuniCode. 

Depending on the type and size of construction, an applicant may need approval from both GMF Planning and Pikes Peak Regional Development (PPRBD) building permit, or both. Early consultation is the easiest way to avoid delays and establish reasonable expectations between agencies and landowner.

Do I need a permit from PPRBD?


Green Mountain Falls Planning does not issue building permits. Pikes Peak Regional Building Department (PPRBD), a partnering agency, may oversee your building permit. A complete library of handouts detailing requirements is available.

PPRBD plan review technicians are courteous knowledgeable. They can respond to all inquiries during business hours.

All work that is exempt from PPRBD building permits can be reviewed.

Does my contractor need a GMF Business License?


Everyone conducting business in GMF is required to obtain an annual business license, due every December 31st. Applications are now 100% electronic and payment is accepted on MuniRevs. 

Does my fence require a permit?


Current Code dictates that all proposed fencing projects be reviewed by the Planning Commission before construction. Fences that are not permitted can accrue daily penalties. See §16-707 for fencing regulations. Fences over 7 feet in height require PPRBD permit.

Does my shed require a permit?


A storage shed, workshop, custom carport, car shop - no matter what you call it, it is an Accessory Unit as defined in §16-601 and it will require Zoning and Architectural Plan Review. 

Accessory structures larger-than 200 SF require PPRBD review and approval. Accessory structures less-than 200 SF will be reviewed by GMF Planning Commission. 

Where are my lot lines/property boundaries?

This quaint town has a long, interesting land use history. In some instances, property boundary lines may have migrated amicably between neighbors over the decades. In some cases, homes are sited in the GMF Right-of-Way. 

The best way to know exactly where your property starts is to look for corner pins, ask your neighbor, or look through family documents. The most accurate way is to call a licensed surveyor. You may be required to provide proof of this information for development.

What is my zoning designation?

The 2007 Official Town Zoning Map shows the Zoning Designation of every parcel. Zoning designations are enumerated The Green Mountain Falls Zoning Ordinance §16-301.

Residential Zoning (R-1) is the most common and is made more specific by lot size. R-1 Residential is only one component of your property's zoning (e.g., 7,600 SF lot is R-1 5,000; 13,100 SF lot is R-1 10,000).

Please read closely and ask staff for clarification. Hiring an architect or designer to create site plans using the wrong setbacks can be costly and time consuming!

What is my lot size?

Your home may sit on a single platted lot or several lots combined. The most current information** is maintained by the County Assessor’s Office:

Step 1: Go to the Assessor’s site for El Paso County or Teller County

Step 2: Find your parcel through a physical address or name search

Step 3: Scroll to find the land details

**Important, the assessor's office does its best to maintain updated, accurate information but is not a guarantee. Please see their specific disclaimer. When in doubt, hire a private, licensed surveyor. 

How do I determine appropriate zoning setbacks?

The GMF Land Use Code establishes minimum development standards. These include development setbacks: the minimum distance a building or structure must be sited from a road, property line, water body, or anyplace requiring that buffer.

Once you've determined your correct zoning designation (see above), go to the Development Requirements for front, rear, and side setbacks in §16-305 – §16-314.

If you need assistance, ask GMF Staff before drawing site plans!

Should I report that construction?

If you have concerns about whether someone has a permit or is conducting work on his/her property, a neighborly conversation may help. Some residents may not be familiar with GMF's Municipal code or unsure of accurate property lines.  

Civility is key, since each party may be working with different information and both may be incorrect. A little research can save a lot of grief. Talk to your neighbors about professional surveys and boundary monuments. Use the resources available, including the County Assessor’s website and staff (El Paso County Assessor and Teller County Assessor). 

If you believe a neighbor is building without GMF approval or PPRBD permit, you can make an anonymous report it to Town Hall or PPRBD. If you witness activity that you believe may be dangerous to life or property, please report it to the Town Marshal or El Paso County Dispatch

Town Staff can absolutely not get involved in civil disputes.

Can I build or improve my lot if I’m in the FEMA floodplain?

Home improvements and construction in the FEMA Special Flood Hazard Area will receive all review required by Federal, State, and GMF Planning & Land Use.

Paperless Policy

Planning & Land Use is creating a more efficient user experience by transitioning to a paperless office in January 2020. Electronic, paperless offices are rapidly becoming a standard of success for public and private sectors:

  • Eliminate printing and scanning costs
  • Increase revenue collection
  • Improved staff response
  • Decrease environmental footprint


Paper applications are no longer accepted. If you require assistance with an application submittal or in finding a community computer, contact GMF Town Hall.

Thank you for helping GMF Town Hall innovate and serve you better

Helpful Links & Resources

Pikes Peak Regional Building Department

El Paso County Assessor

Teller County Assessor

El Paso County Department of Health

Ute Pass Historical Society

Sallie Bush Community Center

Pikes Peak Chamber of Commerce

Colorado Springs Utilities

Black Hills Energy

Comcast Xfinity

Local Government Land Use Authority in Colorado

Colorado Department of Local Affairs, Community Planning and Development