Contact Us

Greetings and Salutations!

Hours of Operation

Monday: 8:30am - 5:00pm
Tuesday: 8:30am-5:00pm
Wednesday: 8:30am - 5:00pm
Thursday: By Appointment
Friday: By Appointment

The Town follows the Manitou Springs School District #14 for inclement weather closings. Please call ahead if you have any doubts about weather closings to be sure someone is at Town Hall. 

Please call Town Hall at 719-684-9414 or email us for assistance.


Mailing Address

P.O. Box 524
10615 Green Mountain Falls Road
Green Mountain Falls, CO 80819

Staff Contact Information

Town Clerk/Treasurer: Bo Ayad
719-684-9414 extension 1
Town Clerk Email

Town Manager: Caleb Patterson
719-684-9414 extension 5
Town Manager Email

Public Works
Public Works Email


Law Enforcement Contact Information

In the case of an emergency dial 911.

El Paso County Dispatch

Town Marshal: Sean Goings
Town Marshal Email

Board of Trustees Contact Information

Mayor Todd Dixon: Dixon Email

Mayor Pro Tempore Sunde King: King Email

Trustee John Bell: Bell Email

Trustee Sean Ives: Ives Email

Trustee Don Walker: Walker Email

Credit Where Credit is Due

You may have noticed Community pictures on our website.
Special thanks and photo credits go to;

The Trustees helped with their donation of pictures
Wedding and a few others are pictures of Ashley and Nathan Dame photographed by Matt and Jess Purple
Green Box Arts and Jesse Stroope helped out so much
Emma Newberry-Davis and the GMF Dropbox (So many helped)
Fire Fighters deserve their own shout out, check out Facebook
All the lovely people posting photos on Facebook, each page contributed
The Gazette had some great articles with some awesome pictures too
Google has many stock images that were used (Fountain Water Shed)
Some Logos were taken from some websites to help better show people (PPRBD)
Mike and Margaret Frey at the Painted Bear
Victor Ward Matthews III