According to the site, a community’s wildfire risk is the combination of likelihood and intensity (together called “hazard”) and exposure and susceptibility (together called “vulnerability”). Unfortunately for residents of Green Mountain Falls and the Ute Pass area, we are rated as one of the most vulnerable areas in the United States.
In order to address this risk, the Town has formed a Fire Mitigation Advisory Committee. Pursuant to Ordinance 2020-03, the FMAC's purpose is "to advise the Board of Trustees and to coordinate with El Paso County Emergency Management, the Colorado State Patrol, and other governmental agencies on fire-related issues affecting the Town, and to develop a notification and evacuation plan for the Green Mountain Falls Community".
Part of the FMAC's mission is also to educate the public, specifically residents of Green Mountain Falls, about fire mitigation efforts everyone can and should take, resources available to help with mitigation, volunteer opportunities, and the consequences of not acting.
What you can do:
- Read this important message from GMF/Chipita Park Fire Chief Steve Murphy.
- Sign up for the El Paso County Peak Alerts notification service.
- Perform fire mitigation efforts on your land.
- Volunteer with the FMAC or an FMAC activity to help mitigate Town-owned land and rights-of-way.
- Get educated by watching videos of past wildfire events, such as Paradise, CA and Waldo Canyon, CO.
- View our resources page for more detailed mitigation information.
- Review the Town's Fire Evacuation Plan.
- Review our CUSP Program page to see if you are eligible for grant funding that could cover some of your mitigation costs.
- Prepare in advance - wildfire can start at any time.
- Review the Ready, Set, Go and Rapid Fire Home Assessment checklists.
- Review the National Fire Protection Association's Public Education site on wildfire.