Zoning Code Rewrite



Thank you to those that participated in the Zoning Code Survey! The survey closed on 4.22 but if you have other ideas on the project you would like to share, please send your comments to staff@gmfco.us

Click here to see the full survey results.

Zoning Code Rewrite





The presentation of the first installment of the code rewrite (See chart at top of page) will take place during the August 10th Regular Planning Commission Meeting.


A special meeting was held on 5/25/2021 for a presentation and discussion of an annotated outline for the code update. To view the outline, click here.


A special meeting was held on 4/27/2021 to hear community input on the Zoning code rewrite project. 

  • Click here to watch the meeting.
  • Click here to view the Powerpoint.
  • Click here to review full survey results.
    • The survey closed on 4.22 but if you have other ideas on the project you would like to share, please send your comments to staff@gmfco.us



The GMF Office of Planning and Land Use has released an information letter, which includes a survey about the project. Click here to read the letter.



The zoning code rewrite project kicked off during the Planning Commission Meeting on 3/9/21!  To view the presentation slides, click here. 

How can I be involved?

Green Mountain Falls is committed to community engagement throughout this entire process. This effort will include a newsletter, a survey, community input meetings, and Planning Commission meetings and there will be multiple opportunities to learn, review and provide comment on the new zoning code.

Here is what has happened so far and what is coming next:

  • April 1 Newsletter with survey
  • April 27 Community input meeting
  • May 25 Annotated outline presentation
  • August 10 Presentation of first installment of rewrite (See chart at top of page)


Why now?

The existing zoning code is outdated, and needs to be updated to keep up with the significant changes that have occurred since it was written. We want to make sure we have the planning tools to preserve what makes Green Mountain Falls exceptional and to continue to improve as our community grows. A new zoning code is also necessary to successfully implement the goals of the 2019 Comprehensive Plan.


What are the current zoning concerns?

View community input survey results here.


How will this project help our city?

This project will:

  • Make the zoning code more user-friendly and easier to understand.
  • Update development review procedures.
  • Update zoning and overlay districts.
  • Revise use regulations.
  • Improve development standards.
  • Address goals identified in 2019 Comprehensive Plan

How long will this project take?

The project formally launched in March 2021, and the process to create the new zoning code is anticipated to occur in three phases:

  • Phase 1- Code Diagnosis, Late Winter 2021
  • Phase 2- Code Update, Spring and Summer 2021
  • Phase 3- Draft Final Zoning Code and Adoption, Late Autumn 2021

The survey closed on 4.22. If you have other ideas on the project you would like to share, please send your comments to staff@gmfco.us

Click here to see the full survey results.


What is a Zoning Code?

What is a Comprehensive Plan?